Thursday, May 24, 2012

Dubai Mall - Some Photographs i captured from Dubai.

Maybe you want to know why if I post Dubai story, why is it always about mall? Because i spent my weekend  life in Dubai from mall to mall, it's totally different than my life now in Jogja, i spend weekend from sea to mountain to cave to lake to mountain again.... My life now is so colorful, but Dubai is also absolutely beautiful anyway, eventhough its stuffs are not natural unless the desert and the sea.

Dubai mall is the WORLD'S LARGEST shopping mall, located at the same complex with the highest building in the world, the Khalifa Tower.

Inside it has Dubai Aquarium and underwater zoo, Dubai Ice Ring, Sega Republic, Real Cinemas, and off course the shops and food courts.

The Aquarium and underwater zoo.

 The Ice Ring.

The Sega Republic.

The Shops and the shoppers. I hate that man with yellow shirts, he followed us everywhere we move. Is it because we are beautiful? Thanks God they make the toilet separately for men and women.

The Reel Cinema tickets.

Outside Dubai mall Khalifa Tower can be seen and the dancing fountain always plays every (maybe) 3 hours. I'll tell you about the highest building in the world and how the water dancing awesomely on next post.
See you...

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