Thursday, May 10, 2012

Ma Office Pals

We are in office but don't you ever think that we are always serious and under pressure.  We work, but still have time to play.  As my own principle of life is WORK HARD PLAY HARD (sorry Wizz Khalifa), i think so do theirs.
We were Playing paintball. As you all know guys, i'm small and short and thin lady, so just imagine how it feels when they shoot at me.

Eventhough sometimes i feel so damn hungry and there is no food on my table while i have no money to buy food and they don't share their food to me..... (sight awfully).... but that's fine... (again sight awfully).. You know guys, i'm a goodhearted person, so i won't be angry for that.

When we were caving, i was the only woman among them. Do you think they treated me as a woman? No, they did treat me like a man, i walked behind them and shot their pics. I am the victim of Woman Emantipation, Gender Equality movement, or equality whatever... But to be honest, I do have fun when i'm with them, inside or outside office.

Well, I just try to create a creative blog to prove that i really am a creative person. See you on my next creation.......