Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Stone Collectors from Progo River - Magelang

When i passed Kali Progo I met Stone Collectors. Maybe these people do not agree with what Wiz Khalifa said -WORK HARD, PLAY HARD-. Maybe they'd rather -WORK HARD, WORK HARDER-. Wanna know why? Below are some photos story of them.
 Kali Progo gives them life thru its stones.
 That's how they work.
 They use this thing to transport the stones on the river
 This is how it work. They put the stones on top of it.

 Carrying the stones on their heads.
Then they broke it into small pieces.
People use the broken stones to build houses and buildings. I found eventhough they work hard and harder, they do enjoy it. A message from them: when we enjoy everything we have, life would be great.
See you with other great stories of my life.

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