Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Tambi Tea Plantation - My holiday Trip

Tambi is a quite cold area surrounded by mountains such as mountain Sindoro, Sumbing and Sikunir.

As i have phobia of mountains at night time, so in my imagination, the mountains would become a huge monsters look at you in the eye ready to catch you and eat you, all thru the night!!! That was just my imagination.

But at day time the area is just like a green heaven.
These photos below will tell you how green it is.
 The tea field.

 Who is she with black coat?



 A local boy. Isn't he adorable?

 Blue sky green earth.

 The Supervisor.

 The Primary Supervisor and Supervisor Assistants. 

 With Grandma.

The green heaven.

 On the way.

Green Pyramids.

 Road to heaven.

 Picking up the tea leaves (pretending).

 Family affairs.

 Going to school.

 One of the monster is behind us.

 Cool weather and lovely scenes.

 Disturbing the working farmers???

I just can't write more because i'm in rush due to i got to do so many things now. See you on next story about Jogan Beach, A beach with waterfall.


  1. You are showing me so many other places to go in Indonesia instead of the usual Bali, Jakarta, Bandung and Lake Toba....I would love to visit those places you have been....and yes, love those shots and emmm...that lady in black certainly look out of place ...but definitely gorgeous...:)
